Lotte Play Studio price list

Standard ticket (for children aged 2 years and older) 9 €
Child aged 0-1 years free
Person accompanying a child free
Disabled child’s discount ticket 7 €
Birthday party (3 hours, 20 children)
At the same time, the play studio is open
to other guests                                                                             
Mon-Thu 160 €
Fri-Sun 185 €
Each additional child 7 €
Event organisation
Room rent for one day 490 €
Room rent 1 h 130 €
Bring your class
Student 7 €
Teacher/parent accompanying a group free
Bring your kindergarten
A short tour + exploring on your own
Child 7 €
Kindergarten teacher/accompanying parent free

You can buy the tickets at the hotel reception!

Please note! Children under 10 years of age must be accompanied by a responsible person in the Play Studio!


  • Family Card is a discount card created for Estonian families with three or more children. Lotte Game Studio offers a 20% discount on a standard ticket when presenting a family card, and a 15% discount on room rental when organizing a birthday party.

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